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Team Watchmen Eye-Witness Interview (Episode 3): Featuring Sis. Charisa Makanto

“Q1: Kindly tell us your full name.
A1: Charisa Makanto.

Q2: What is your birth country, and are you currently residing in that same country?
A2: Nigeria. Yes, I do reside here.

Q3: How did you hear about WPMI, and what motivated you to join Team Watchmen?
A3: I found out about WPMI through their Instagram page. I desired to partner with the ministry because I needed the field experience, and my goals and vision aligned with that of WPMI.

Q4: Were you always passionate about missions? How did your love for missions come to be?
A4: I was never really very passionate about missions. The desire and passion were birthed when I had an encounter with God, and I received clear instructions to go into it. The passion has grown over time and is still growing.

Q5: How many mission trips have you gone on?
A5: I have gone to at least a hundred villages in about 18 countries….”

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Partnership in Missions: Giving – By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare

“It has been established in previous articles under this series that missions play a vital role in spreading the message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth, and that the call extends to every believer. This article explores ‘giving’ as a way of partnering with missions.

Giving simply means the free transfer of possession or value to someone else, and partnering with missions through giving simply means ‘giving to missions.’

It is true that God will always provide. Definitely, God’s work will never lack supply; however, God uses men. He has called us to partner with him. The Scripture sets a precedence for this. Examples in the Old Testament include Abraham hosting angels, Israelites bringing their substance for God’s work (Building of the tabernacle), Rahab hosting the spies, the widow of Zarephath feeding Elijah, and the list goes on and on. Women like Joanna, wife of Chuza, Susanna, and Mary Magdalene ministered of their substance to Jesus (Luke 8:3). The Philippians church also supported Paul with his mission work. The book of Romans chapter 16 also gives an account of Paul’s personal greetings to people, some of whom he described as his ‘helpers in Christ.’
What can I give?
One may ask, what can I give?…”
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Partnership in Missions: Giving – By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare Read More »

Hello July, Our Month of Kingdom Growth and Establishment by His Light and Glory (Isaiah 49:6)

Isaiah 49:6 says:

“Indeed He says, ‘It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant
To raise up the tribes of Jacob,
And to restore the preserved ones of Israel;
I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles,
That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.'”

God has so much to do with us, in us, and through us as we begin the second half of the year.

The Lord is reminding us of who we truly are… “Called out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

We are the lights that the nations are waiting for, with the oil in our lamps, our lights must shine.

We are the answer to the prayers of men,
The desire of every living soul,
Christ’s ambassadors.

July, Our Month of Kingdom Growth and Establishment by His Light and Glory.

~Pastor Olusegun Kolade
(Int’l Mission Director, WPMI)

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Partnership in Missions: The Power of Intercession – By Adebusola Owokole

“Missions play a vital role in spreading the love and message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. The call to missions extends to every believer, as we are commissioned to make disciples of all nations. However, the task of global evangelism and the challenges faced in various mission fields can be overwhelming. In the midst of these challenges, intercession emerges as a powerful tool for partnership in missions. This blog post explores the significance of intercession in missions and how it can transform the lives of both intercessors and those on the mission field.

The Nature of Intercession:
Intercession is not simply praying for others; it is a…”
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Partnership in Missions: The Power of Intercession – By Adebusola Owokole Read More »

“The White Fields” By Bro. Kingsley Manuel

“In the white fields, the harvest awaits
For workers to heed the call of faith
To scatter seeds upon every land
And watch them grow by God’s mighty hand

The gospel sown, hearts set ablaze,
Spreading joy, hope with each embrace,
To open eyes of the lost so wide,
Embracing truth, no longer to hide.

The toil is hard, the sun beats down,
But each step forward claims a crown,
Hearts are touched with each shared word,
A harvest reaped, souls awakened and stirred.

So let us labor with strength and might,
Spreading the news, breaking the chains tight,
Of sin and death that hold so fast,
Bringing the lost into God’s light.

For in these golden fields of harvest,
Lies a broken world, bitter and cold,
Yearning for love and endless grace,
That only Christ can truly unfold.

So let our hearts be filled with love,
Sowing seeds, praying to God above,
That hearts are touched and souls set free,
And the gospel harvest, at last, we see.

In fields of white, the harvest calls,
For laborers to share God’s love that enthralls,
The gospel true, grace abounding,
To those who have yet to hear, still surrounding.

The seed of truth, the Word of life,
Is sown by those who answer God’s strife,
To tell the lost of Christ who saves,
And bring them to His loving embrace.

The joy that fills the sower’s heart,
As they witness abundant fruit impart,
Is worth the sweat and tears they shed,
As they tirelessly journey, pathways spread.

May we be the ones who boldly go,
To distant fields that long to know,
And radiate the light of Christ,
To souls dwelling in darkness, obscured from sight.

For in these white fields ripe for harvest,
Lies a world in desperate need,
Of the Bread of life, the living Word,
That only Christ can truly feed.

So let us go forth and sow these fields,
Trusting God to do His part and yield,
To bring to life the seeds we sow,
Drawing them to His loving heart’s glow.

John 4:35 says, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (ESV)…..”

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Becoming a Student of the Word (Psalm 119:11) – By Abby Ndubueze

“GA student is someone who humbles themselves under another or a system to study, observe, and gain knowledge, experience, or understanding in a particular subject or skill. This process typically involves strict observance and adherence to systematic procedures and instructions. The key to effective learning and understanding is instruction.

Let’s explore what it means to be a student of the Bible, the Word.

The Bible consists of three components: principles, prophecies, and promises. Adhering to principles, including God’s ways, leads us to the prophecies concerning our existence and the promises we can inherit or access.

Jumping to conclusions without observing the phenomenon can lead a student to erroneous results. Similarly, a Christian who claims to be a student of the Word may become overly religious, accumulating scattered information for baseless arguments. This can create a sanctimonious exterior without the necessary interior transformation that fosters partnership and communion with God’s Word……”
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Becoming a Student of the Word (Psalm 119:11) – By Abby Ndubueze Read More »

“The Missionary: Amy B. Carmichael” By Sis. Blessing Ugwu

“Amy Beatrice Carmichael is an Irish Christian missionary born in the year 1867. She is also known as the rescuing mother of India who opened her heart to thousands of children throughout southern India. One of her quotes says, “You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.” Her heart and soul were fully devoted to serving Jesus Christ. She served in India for 55 years, wrote 35 books about her work as a missionary, and thousands of spiritual letters…..”

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“The Missionary: Amy B. Carmichael” By Sis. Blessing Ugwu Read More »

Impacting Missions: Unleashing the Gift of Tongues and Interpretation – By Sis Jane Edema

“Drawing inspiration from the Book of Acts 2:5-11, we uncover the profound impact the gift of tongues and its interpretation can have on missions. These extraordinary spiritual manifestations witnessed on the day of Pentecost, continue to shape and transform the landscape of missions today.

Let’s explore three(3) ways in which the gift of tongues and interpretation, as exemplified in Acts 2:5-11, can ignite remarkable breakthroughs in missions.

Are you ready? Okay, let’s dive right in.

▫️Supernatural Communication Across Language Barriers:

As witnessed on the day of Pentecost, the gift of tongues empowered the disciples to speak in diverse languages, bridging the vast linguistic divide among those gathered.

Similarly, in missions, the gift of tongues equips missionaries with the ability to communicate supernaturally in unknown languages. This extraordinary gift breaks down language barriers, allowing the Gospel to be shared with individuals from every nation, tribe, and tongue.

The accompanying gift of interpretation ensures that the message resonates deeply, facilitating understanding and receptivity among diverse cultural groups.

▫️Authentic Cultural Engagement and Connection:

Acts 2:5-11 reveals how each person heard the disciples speaking in their native language. This remarkable phenomenon highlights the gift of tongues as a powerful tool for authentic cultural engagement.

When missionaries speak in the native tongues of the people they serve, it demonstrates genuine respect for their culture and fosters a deep sense of connection. This approach opens doors for meaningful relationships and establishes trust, creating fertile ground for the seeds of the Gospel to take root.

The gift of interpretation enables…..”
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Impacting Missions: Unleashing the Gift of Tongues and Interpretation – By Sis Jane Edema Read More »

“Remember Not the Former Things – By Sis Gbemisola Dawn Fache

“Human beings have a natural tendency to be glued to the events of the past, whether positive or negative, mostly because the future seems uncertain and intangible.

Just imagine someone driving a car and staring at the rearview mirror alone; he will end up a casualty along with many others on the road. You cannot move forward in life by looking behind you.

Many times, we spend our days in deep regrets about the past and how we ought to have made wiser decisions. But the longer we stay mourning the past, the longer we delay moving forward into the future.

“Learn the lesson and leave the trauma” were the exact words of a dear friend to me when I was stuck at a low point in my life, which woke me up from my lethargy.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” – Isaiah 43:18-19

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am…”

“Remember Not the Former Things – By Sis Gbemisola Dawn Fache Read More »

Team Watchmen Eye-Witness Interview (Episode 2): Featuring Bro. Daniel Okike

“I am a watchman upon the gates.
I stand watch and do not hold my peace until His Kingdom is established upon the earth.
I am always on guard; I do not relent or retreat.
I travail until nations are delivered!

I do not fret about news or trends, but I take my position on the wall.
With prayers, supplications, and thanksgiving, I make my requests known unto…”
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