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Missions: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus

“We have established in the past that missions, soul winning is the heart beat of the Father. His will is reconcilation, Jesus came to reconcile us to the Father and he has given us that MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION (2 Corinthians 5:18). Furthermore, we see in the scriptures (some listed above) how Abba has already planned the continuity of the ministry of Jesus by inviting us to be co-labourers in the field (Mathew 28:19).

A perfect example for us of this continuity is how …”
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The Matthew 9:38 Prayer

“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.”

Incase you’ve ever wondered what prayer means, here’s a very apt definition.

Prayer is man giving God permission to act on the earth.

Blasphemy! Preposterous!! Insolence!!! How can man give Almighty God permission?

Well, if you understand that God delegated the rule of the earth to man, you would understand why God doesn’t just ……”
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THE CALL IS FOR ALL by Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare

‘It is already an established truth that Missions whether at home or abroad is the assignment of the believer. It is without doubt that the Church which is you and I and everyone who believes in Jesus have all been called to the great commission. In Mathew 28:19-20, JESUS said
“Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all the things I have taught you…

Throughout the new testament, we see how this was fulfilled. We see how…’

THE CALL IS FOR ALL by Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare Read More »

The Role of Women in Missions by Sis Charisa Makanto

“The presence of a woman, a good woman in anything brings beauty, colour, and Life.

There’s a reason why God made women have the capacity and ability to procreate.

No matter how powerful a man is, he doesn’t have the ability to birth another man.
The presence of a woman signifies ‘Life’ (procreate) and the absence of a woman signifies death.

If all the women in the world are no more today, after some years the world would be completely wiped out because there are no women to create or birth more men.

Women have the capacity to birth nations and be mothers to generations upon generations….”

The Role of Women in Missions by Sis Charisa Makanto Read More »