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“Unveiling the Profound Benefits of Intercession” By Sis. Blessing Ugwu

Exod.17.11: And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. (KJV). In this article, we will delve into the profound effects of intercession: Impact on Individuals and People Intercession bridges the gap for others, leading them

Empowered Prayer: How the Spirit Helps Us Overcome Weaknesses – By Sis Abby Ndubueze

In the journey of faith, many believers encounter challenges that seem insurmountable. Like Judith and Jayden, they grapple with their weaknesses, searching for a way to connect with God and overcome their struggles. In the midst of this struggle, there is a powerful promise in Romans 8:26 that offers hope

Kingdom Growth and Establishment Through Prophetic Intercession and Spiritual Warfare: An Introduction by Adebusola Owokole

In the realm of the Kingdom of God, the power of prophetic intercession and spiritual warfare plays a vital role in the growth and establishment of God's divine purposes on earth. These powerful tools enable believers to partner with God, aligning their prayers with His will, and bringing about transformation

“At Gethsemane: Learning to Surrender” by Sis. Gbemisola Dawn Fache

He took a few steps away from those who went up with Him to express the anguish of His soul. That particular garden was one of His favorite places; there He spent many evenings there. But that particular evening, He was not there to spend just another time, as usual.

“Lessons from the Life of Timothy” By Sis. Blessing Ugwu

The study of individuals and an understanding of their actions, lifestyle, and exploits can help us in our journey to purpose. Here, I will explore some of the transitional truths about the life of Timothy, which can help every Christian in their walk with God. First, who was Timothy? The name

Our Identity in Christ by Sis Abby Ndubueze

One of the many pitfalls I had as a baby Christian was the issue of identity. I struggled so much with identifying and accepting who God has made me. Being a highly intelligent child with multiple giftings and graces was too much for my young heart to understand. Also, coming

Follow-up: A System of Soul Discipleship – By Sis Jane Edema

Following up on converts involves providing ongoing support, guidance, and resources to help them navigate their spiritual journey and deepen their commitment to their beliefs. Now, let's consider seven key advantages an organized follow-up system brings to bear for a new convert in particular and the body of Christ in

Team Watchmen Eye-Witness Interview (Episode 3): Featuring Sis. Charisa Makanto

Q1: Kindly tell us your full name.A1: Charisa Makanto. Q2: What is your birth country, and are you currently residing in that same country?A2: Nigeria. Yes, I do reside here. Q3: How did you hear about WPMI, and what motivated you to join Team Watchmen?A3: I found out about WPMI

Partnership in Missions: Giving – By Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare

It has been established in previous articles under this series that missions play a vital role in spreading the message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth, and that the call extends to every believer. This article explores 'giving' as a way of partnering with missions. Giving simply

Partnership in Missions: The Power of Intercession – By Adebusola Owokole

Missions play a vital role in spreading the love and message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. The call to missions extends to every believer, as we are commissioned to make disciples of all nations. However, the task of global evangelism and the challenges faced in various