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The Great Commission and You (A Poem) By Bro Victor Ogunlade

Treading on slippery ground, though as a train track it seems, Turning his back on the fence thereby letting lose all seams, His eyes configured to see nothing even when there’s a whole to behold, All’ll end in your best interest no matter how ‘tis addressed so he was told,

A Faithful Witness of Christ By Sis Abigail Ndubueze

The Merriam-Webster dictionary has several definitions of the word "witness" but one that captures the true meaning of witnessing as it pertains to the life of a believer is this- one who has personal knowledge of something. The word - knowledge being the keyword.  This definition means that it is

The Cost of Following Jesus – By Sis Jane Edema

Being followers of Christ is what we are called into as Christians. However, Jesus mentioned in one of His parables that it is wisdom that one calculates the cost of any endeavor before embarking on it.  Lest he starts something he can't finish and then, becomes a laughing stock. In

Christ’s Purpose For Every Believer – By Sis Dawn Fache

As a young believer, one of the questions that tugged at my heart and kept me awake for many nights was the popular "why are you here on earth? or put simply, "What is your purpose?" For a very long time I grappled with this issue because I was made

Lord of the Harvest – A Poem By Bro Victor Ogunlade

Arise! Oh, wake from your slumber, Let it not be that it ends in asunder, For if not now? Then, the beast of the land will rise devouring all that is ripe, Yet, laying claim on that which was gathered as his right. Arise! Here it is, The Sapa Valley

The Matthew 9:38 Prayer

"Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.” Incase you've ever wondered what prayer means, here's a very apt definition. Prayer is man giving God permission to act on the earth.  Blasphemy! Preposterous!! Insolence!!! How can man give Almighty God permission?  Well, if you

The Eternal Reward – A Message by Pastor Olusegun Kolade

John 4:36 says, "And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.“ Here comes the reward... This is the beauty of the work we are doing, Because we are gathering fruits for eternal life, we

Igniting a Passion for the Lost Souls – A Message by Pastor Olusegun Kolade

Is there still any hunger for souls in us? John 4:32 says, 'But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” While Christ disciples went out to get some food , Jesus Christ had a personal encounter with a woman of Samaria who

From a Novice to a Prayer Warrior – A Personal Experience By Sis Chidera Aguguo

I remember when I just got born again and heard the term "prayer warrior" for the first time. My heart was filled with respect and awe for these special individuals.  And when I heard that every Wednesday night they gathered to pray, my respect for them increased.  One day, someone

The Mindset of a True Missionary

Knowing what consecration means will reset your mindset in your service unto the Lord. Whatever you willingly lay on the altar for the Lord, actually in this world you might not be able to get something like that again. You will have to look forward to your reward in eternity.