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In the realm of missions, the power of partnership is undeniable. As followers of Christ, we are called to join hands and hearts in spreading the Good News to the ends of the earth. Partnership in missions allows us to combine our resources, gifts, and prayers to have a greater impact on reaching the unreached and transforming lives. In this blog post series, we will explore the significance of partnership in missions, beginning with an introduction to its importance and biblical foundation.

The Power of Partnership:

Partnership in missions is more than just cooperation; it is a divine strategy designed by God to accomplish His purposes on earth. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of God calling His people to partner together in advancing His Kingdom. In Ecclesiastes 4:9, the Scripture reminds us, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.” When we unite our efforts, skills, and resources, we become more effective in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Biblical Foundation of Partnership:

The concept of partnership in missions finds its roots in the teachings of Jesus and the early church. In Mark 16:15, Jesus commanded His disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” This commission was not given to individuals but to a community of believers, highlighting the need for collaboration and partnership. In Acts 1:8, Jesus promised the disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them, enabling them to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. This implies the necessity of working together across geographical and cultural boundaries.

Unity in Diversity:

Partnership in missions thrives on diversity. Each individual and organization brings unique perspectives, gifts, and talents to the table. Just as the body is made up of different parts, each playing a vital role, so too do we, as the body of Christ, have diverse contributions to make in fulfilling the Great Commission (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Embracing and celebrating our differences strengthens our collective impact and enhances our witness to the world.

The Role of Intercession:

Intercession is a foundational aspect of partnership in missions. As we lift up missionaries, unreached people groups, and the global mission field in prayer, we become active participants in the work God is doing. The Apostle Paul, in his letters, frequently urged believers to pray for him and his ministry (Ephesians 6:19-20, Colossians 4:2-3). Prayer connects us with God’s heart, aligns our desires with His, and releases His power to transform lives and circumstances.

In conclusion, partnership in missions is not an optional add-on to the Christian journey but an integral part of fulfilling God’s purposes on earth. As we embark on this blog post series, we will delve deeper into the different facets of partnership in missions, exploring the role of intercession and giving. Let us remember that by partnering together, we can make a lasting impact in reaching the lost and bringing hope to the nations.

Stay tuned for the upcoming posts:

  • Partnership in Missions: Intercession
  • Partnership in Missions: Giving

May we be inspired to actively engage in partnership in missions, knowing that through our collaboration, we can witness lives transformed and God’s Kingdom expanded.

Written by Adebusola Owokole (Team Watchmen)