• Kajola, Ibadan, Oyo State
  • +2348022257773
  • admin@wpmi.org

As part of our project which involves collation of real life testimonies from people who are and have been on the field, we decided this week to hear from one of our dedicated missionaries at WPMI.

Here is the detail of the interview in full. 

1. Kindly tell us your full name

Response: Aguguo Chidera

2. What is your birth Country and are you currently residing in that same country? 

Response: I’m from Nigeria and yes, I still reside there.

3. When did you join Watchmen Prophetic Missions Int’l (WPMI)? 

Response: January, 2022

 4. How did you hear about WPMI and what motivated you to join Team Watchmen?

Response: I saw a post about Pst Kolade on Facebook, so I reached out to him personally.

 5. Were you always passionate about missions? How did your love for missions come to be?

Response: Yes, I’ve been into missions since 2020. WPMI was doing more than I was doing with my group and I desired to do more for the Lord, so I decided to volunteer.

I first fell in love with missions at age 15, when my teens teacher would always share his experiences. As I grew, the Lord moved me towards evangelism and soul winning. We progressed from there.

 6. How many mission trips have you gone for in times past?

Response: I’ve been to 10 states in Nigeria, and in some, more than one mission trip. And one international trip.

 7. Which one was most remarkable and why?

Response: Togo has been the most remarkable and so many things played a role. From the love for and from the people, the language difference which should have been a barrier but I saw as lovely, the stress in the journeys, the people’s receptiveness and so many other things. People were coming to God in their hundreds and it was a very joyful affair.

 8. Can you tell us about a life changing experience you’ve had while on the mission field…it may be a healing you witnessed, transformation you witnessed or a miracle? 

9. How did this happen (Referring to Number 8)?   10. How were the lives of those involved impacted?

8,9&10-Response: One morning we left our base at Langabou to visit another village. The weather was so cold, I could feel my teeth chattering. I was so cold, I cried out to God to strengthen my body and not let me fall sick, He answered me and I didn’t fall sick. I also made a request to Him while on that bike. I said “Lord, do something tangible in my family by reason of this sacrifice”. Same day, I got a message from my brother that he was going to pay the fiance’s bride price. They’ve been together without marriage for 16yrs. 2weeks after I came back from the trip, the bride price was paid and they became legally wedded.

A door was opened in my family through this, they both started coming to church after a long period of inconsistency.

 11. What are some of the challenges you’ve faced? (Both within and outside the mission field)

Response: Outside the field as a missionary will be readjusting to my environment. I tend to feel withdrawn for while l, with dreams of the mission field and deep hunger to return ????????

 12. How has joining mission trips impacted your walk with the Lord and vice versa? How crucial do you think it is to heed to the leading of the Holy Spirit on the mission field? 

Response: Missions has changed my perceptive concerning somethings in life, a lot of things that used to matter to me no longer matter because I see a higher need. My desire for the Lord multiplied, I am more ready to preach the gospel than ever before. I’ve hardly lacked any good thing because God has shown me time and again how He sustains missionaries.

 13. Whao, what’s your take on raising indigenous disciples and planting churches in unreached communities?

Response: Raising indigenous disciples speeds up the process of discipleship amongst tribe and communities. Places a missionary won’t access quickly is made easy through these wonderful people.

 14. Based on your missionary journeys, do you think churches in unreached communities can thrive without financial partners?

Response: No church can thrive without financial support and partnership. These churches needs seat, musical instruments, sound system, roofing and structure…all these needs finances. God has given all we need to do His work. They’re in and with men!

15. If you were to say something to churches/individuals in the cities about missions, what would it be?

Response: Remember that Missions is the great commission!!!

 16. Did you experience any cultural shock while on the field? Can you share some of them with us?

Response: I had to get accustomed to the meals but I was ready for this experience too, so it was a welcomed development.

 17. What 5 significant things do you think anyone embarking on a mission trip must take note of?

Response: A)Check your health and be sure you’re strong.

B)Remain totally dependent on God. Build up your most holy faith.

C) God didn’t call you as perfect, missionaries are imperfect people made perfect by the Word.

D)Be ready to preach in season and out of season.

E) God is love. Everything you are and do must be imbedded in LOVE.

 18. Can you please leave a word of encouragement for someone who may be contemplating on going into the field, whether long term or short term?

Response: You will never regret any sacrifice you make for God in preaching the gospel. You cannot win souls amiss!!

19. Would you still attend WPMI Mission trips in the nearest future.

Response: Wherever and whenever God says go, I will. I would want to be in every WPMI mission field because this is my family and God’s mandate. 

20. Kindly share a statement of encouragement for someone who is about to go on a mission trip for the first time.

Response: There is no fear in love. Let love lead you…

©️Team Watchmen.