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  • admin@wpmi.org

It is already an established truth that Missions whether at home or abroad is the assignment of the believer. It is without doubt that the Church which is you and I and everyone who believes in Jesus have all been called to the great commission.

In Mathew 28:19-20, JESUS said
“Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all the things I have taught you…

Throughout the new testament, we see how this was fulfilled. We see how heavily invested the Church was. We see how God used people in the Church at different times in history. From the Acts of Apostles, to the Ephesians Church e.t.c.

We see phrases like; and THEY ministered to the Lord and fasted (Acts 13:2), and THEY lifted up their voices (Acts 4:24), and THEY sent Peter (Acts 8:14), and the DISCIPLES sent relief (Acts 11:29) e.t.c. He used people, he used believers, he used the Church!!! Some went (Acts 13:2), some hosted (Acts 16:15), some prayed (Acts12:5), some gave (Phil 4;10)!!!

Similarly the church of Christ today should follow the example that has been laid down by the early church. However it seems as though the responsibility of missions has been abandoned for some.

I feel that if we all knew the importance of mission and how close it is to the heart of the Father, each individual will be actively involved in one way or the other. Ignoring missions, choosing not to support or be a part of the assignment is like being a wife but deciding to remain blind and unbothered about the very thing that is most important to your husband. We are the bride of Christ, and it is for these ones that he gave his life on the cross.

Look introspectively, when last did you give of yourself to this course. The Bible says where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Mathew 6:21). If we process our love to the Father, we must also communicate this through our deliberate and intentional actions.

Can you go? Can you give? Can you organise? Can you go? What can you do. Just like the Lord asked Moses, what do you have in your hand? I want to close with a verse I saw recently-

While it is still day, I must do the works of him who sent me: the night cometh, when no man can work (John 9:4)

Written by Sis Oluwaseun Ogundare – Team Watchmen