”Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Well, here it is:
To go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. ( Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15)
That’s one task our Master charged us with, as He exited the earth.
But why should Jesus mandate us with such an enormous task, why didn’t He just do it Himself?
The body contains His legs. And with the legs, we go.
If Christ authorized us to go, it means He has delegated power (authority) to us, and so, He cannot undermine or usurp our authority to act in His stead.
The body is what licenses humans to function on earth, and any being without it is functioning illegally.
This is why spiritual forces contend for the body of humans.
Remember when God said in Genesis, let us create man in our image, let them have dominion? (Genesis 1:26)
Well, to better make man function in dominion, He gave man a body.
When man lost dominion, and God sought to restore fellowship, He didn’t just fling a miracle wand and say, “Restore fellowship”.
No! He had to follow due process. Because He had clearly stated in His word that there’s no remission(forgiveness) of sins without the shedding of blood. (Hebrews 9:22)
When His time on earth expired, He took off the body He wore and translated to heaven.
Our God is a God of order and integrity, indeed. Little wonder why He said He has esteemed His word above His Name.
Please, hear this:
This is why the great commission is our responsibility, not God’s, not Jesus’s.
Because even if Jesus wanted to evangelize by Himself, He can’t and He won’t.
Well, because He would need a body to function in that role.
So, when we pray for souls, we are giving God permission to convict the hearts of men. We are asking Him to act on the earth.
If we don’t pray, God will not impose. This is why He continually stirs men up to pray, so He can act.
When God answers our prayers for souls by convicting the hearts of the unsaved via His Holy Spirit, He expects us to GO reach out to them because He cannot and will not.
So, if you have ever wondered why the great commission depends on you, now you know.
What will you do about this enormous task placed on your shoulders?
Don’t forget:
The work of our Master requires haste as time is ticking: Tick! Tick! Tick! Tock. And with every second, souls are marching to a Christless eternity.
–Written by Sis Jane Edema (Team Watchmen)