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‘Then it says, I will return to the house I left. When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order.’ – Mathew 12: 44

An unoccupied heart is a heart without any content, void, having no occupant, spent in idleness or inactivity.

As Christians, our heart is like our home that needs to be occupied with what’s edifying and glorifying so as to make the most of our calling in thoughts, words and actions.

When you were saved, the blood of Jesus has already cleansed and put your heart in order. However you shouldn’t allow it to remain just like this, you must engage and fill it with the presence of God and the word of God. 


▪Nature abhors a vacuum and therefore if emptiness is not permitted naturally, why do you think it would be accepted spiritually.

For instance, David was not productive and focused with his heart. He allowed an idle mind to become the devil’s workshop. Which resulted to death, family discord, public shame and guilt before God (2 Samuel 11 -12; Psalm 51).

▪Nowadays idle hearts have led to increased online ungodly affections and relationships, depression, drug and alcohol usage, and domestic violence. People result to checking their mobile phones constantly because of inactivity.

It is worthy to note that you are to occupy your heart by:

????Allowing Christ to dwell in your heart through faith for without Him you can do nothing (Ephesians 3: 17) 

????Occupying your heart with God’s word because whatever occupies your heart is what will eventually manifest in your life (Proverb 23: 7, Joshua 1:8) 

????Keeping up with spiritual discipline such as by engaging constantly in prayers, evangelism, soul winning, Christian fellowship, and consistent worship. 

????Allowing yourself to be discipled or mentored by a mature Christian in the faith. 

Just as Apostle Paul, who said we should imitate him as he imitates Christ. This is because we are called to be transformed into the image of Christ thereby making us rooted or grounded in faith and not as being victims of complacency and without purpose in life.

????Choosing your friends wisely, guard what you watch, and your thought at any point in time (Philippians 4: 8). 

Finally, you can pray like David prayed in Ps.139: 23 – 24 (NLT), “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life in Jesus name.”

Written by Sis Blessing C. Ugwu (Team Watchmen)

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